Healing Offerings

Bilawara Lee





Krystal Rains

Ancestral Trauma Heart Chakra Healing

My goal is to get Ancestral Trauma blockages out of your way, so you can do more work…our wounded heart is often the source of those blockages. Being the bridge chakra, I actually have access to root patterns in all the chakras to clear the resistance to more healing and connection. This can be done with your own modalities or future work with me.
Opening sacred space, talking, opening your chakras, sometimes there will be mineral spirits that step up to help with the work, rattling to loosen the energy, feathers and Florida water to clear the problems. Sound and incense, remove the last lingering residue and bring in love and clarity.These are the basic steps involved in my healing process.
Krystal Rains; artist, herbalist, healer, Ced Trad Craft witchcraft & shamanic practitioner.  Focused on Healing Ancestral Legacy Trauma, using Q’ero Shamanism, Reiki & other modalities learned on her path.

Chief Windwalker


Chief Windwalker is a third generation Medicine Woman/Shaman taught by her grandmother’s mothers clan.  Her mother’s tribe is Mic-Mac and her father’s tribe is Cherokee and Lenape.

Through herbal remedies and full body work (also known as massage) the Medicine Women/Shamans would take the dis-ease out of the body primarily through the hands and feet.  Also at the same time, heal the client mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually for future growth. Chief Windwalker will be offering a limited number of personal healings as well as her 3 hour fringe workshop on Thursday September 12th.